parent nodes: DemoExternalLinks | DemoLinksFiles | DemoTextImages

Demo Links Files

Demo Links Files
Important: Image files!
Local disk files
Remote disk files
Link titles
Relative paths
File store



You can add links to files to your page and open them with some external application. You do this with a URL of the type file-url. These files can be of any type, but they can only be "opened" when their extention is associated with the correct application.

Important: Image files!

File links to image files of the type: ".jpg", ".gif", ".png" and ".bmp" are by default inserted into the text as image, not as link. See also Textformatting: Images. To insert a file link for such an image file, add ">l" to the end of the url.

Local disk files

Remote disk files

Files on remote ftp locations - network, the web - can be linked using the ftp format of the file link.

Link titles


A link text can in preview and export be replaced by a link title, that then serves as a clickable synonym for the link.


Instead of a text, also an image can be used as a "title" or synonym for a link.
The images can be formatted with the default image attributes; see Textformatting: images.



Relative paths

In Wikidpad relative paths can't be used, the way they can in regular html. The way to do it in Wikidpad, is to use the "rel" scheme. This scheme has the format: "rel://" (without the backslash!) and is during preview replaced with the path to the folder of the active wiki. Html export turns it into a correct relative path reference. The rel scheme can be used both for file references and image references.

The rel reference follows the rules for the html relative path specification; this means that:
In a wiki that has been exported to html, the "home" or "root" folder is not the current wiki folder, but the export folder. As of version 19beta 17 wikidpad copies all files with relatives path's over to the export folder, with the correct folder structure.


File store

Each wiki can have a "file store", where you can collect all the images, documents and other files, that are related to the wiki in one place. The wiki file store is formed by the "files" folder in the wiki's directory. Wikidpad offers some special facilities, to help maintain the file store, with respect to relative links and export to html.

Files can of course be copied into the file store by hand; if the "files" folder does not yet exist, you have to create it first. Files can however also be copied, by dragging one or more of them from Windows Explorer onto the editor, while holding down the control key. The files are then copied to the file store and relative links to them are created in the editor. If a file with the same identity already exists in the store, only the link is created and no copying is performed. If a file with the same name, but a different identity already exists, a random sequence of 10 digits is appended to the file name, in order to make it unique. If the "files" folder does not yet exist, Wikidpad will create it.

For more information on how Wikidpad compares files and how you that can be influenced, see Wiki File Store: Copy control





done.demo.projectdemo.demo1: check out all posibilities
done.demo.projectdemo.demo1: refer to relative links
done.demo.projectdemo.demo1: refer to file store

action.demo.development: Solve problem with IE (7) not opening image file links.
It might be a settings or parameter problem of some kind. One that causes IE to try to open the image in it's own window, instead of in the associated program.
action.demo.development: Solve problem with case sensitive html export, if possible.
Wikidpad is in principal not case sensitive about file names, so it shouldn't be here either.


Results HTML export is case sensitive where (rel) file links are concerned. The IE renderer has a problem with file links to images; it doesn't open the file.

[demo.status.waiting: issues]
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