parent nodes: GlobalAttributesPageView | HtmlCss | HtmlGeneral | Intro3Formatting | PageEditAttributes | PageFormatting | PageViewAttributes | TextBlocks | WpOptionsHtmlHeader

Page View Attributes

Page View Attributes
Html attributes
Paragraph mode
Global attributes


A number of attributes is available, that control the format of a page in the view modes: html preview and html export. These are the html- and other attributes. Changes in these attributes don't take effect (are not visible), until the page is saved; either by the auto-save process or manually.


Html attributes

Html attributes are used to set the foreground- (font), background- and link colors of a page in Preview and exported Html and have the format: [html.element: value]. The existing elements are:

Element Function Preview Browser
   Internal IE Mozilla  
html.textcolor Color of all non-link text Yes Yes ?? Yes
html.bgcolor Color of the page background Yes Yes ?? Yes
html.linkcolor Color of a (non-visited) link Yes Yes ?? Yes
html.alinkcolor Color of a link while "under" the mouse (hovering or pressed) No Yes* ?? Some
html.vlinkcolor Color of a visited link No Yes* ?? Yes
html.bgimage Link to a background image No Yes* ?? No?



See the results of the attributes below on the appearance of this page in preview. Check their influence on the display of these links; follow them and return to see their color.


All html attributes have global representations, with which the colors for áll of the pages in the wiki can be set:

Page specific html attributes overrule the global ones.


Paragraph mode

A page by default is in line mode. In this mode, every "new line" in the editor text is replaced by a htlm "new line" tag in preview and with this turning every line in a "paragraph" of it's own. This might in certain cases not be what the user wants or needs. Also this behaviour is different from html, that principally is based on a form of "paragraph mode".

Wikidpad supports it's own form of paragraph mode; in this mode "new lines" are ignored and only empty lines start a new paragraph. Paragraph mode can be switched on using the attribute: [paragraph_mode: true] on the page. "New lines" can be forced in paragraph mode, by inserting the html "new line" tag: "<br />" where needed. Don't forget the space between "<br" and "/>"; "<br/>" without a space is not understood by internal preview.


The attribute on the next line switches this page to paragraph mode; see it's effect on the example text below. Example text
In the editor this paragraph is shown, devided over five (5) lines. In preview and html export however, this paragraph is shown as one contiguous (wrapping) line.

In line mode, the text above would have been shown in view mode as the original five separate lines.
And this line would have been a paragraph on it's own, not the second line of the second paragraph.


Paragraph mode can be switched on for all the pages in the wiki using the global attribute: In that case it can be switched off for individual pages using: Top


Global attributes

[global.html.bgcolor: hex color number]
Sets the default background color for pages in preview and export; default = none.

[global.html.textcolor: hex color number]
Sets the default foreground (text) color for pages in preview and export; default = none.

[global.html.linkcolor: hex color number]
Sets the default link color for pages in preview and export; default = none.

[global.html.alinkcolor: hex color number]
Sets the default active link color for pages in preview and export; default = none.

[global.html.vlinkcolor: hex color number]
Sets the default visited link color for pages in preview and export; default = none.

[global.html.bgimage: image url]
Sets the default background image for pages in preview and export; default = none.

[global.paragraph_mode: true / false]
Sets the default paragraph mode to on or off; default = off.



Link color

Active link color

Visited link color

Text color

Background color

Background image

Doctype Sets the DOCTYPE to use in the header of an HTML file. You should only modify it if you understand what it is doing.


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parents:  GlobalAttributesPageView, HtmlCss, HtmlGeneral, Intro3Formatting, PageEditAttributes, PageFormatting, PageViewAttributes, TextBlocks, WpOptionsHtmlHeader
[help.status: done]