parent nodes: ExternalGraphicalApplications | Link insertions | Scripts | WikidPadReferences

Wp Insertions

Wp Insertions
Types of insertions



Insertions allow to insert some dynamic text into preview and HTML export of a page. This can either be:


The syntax greatly resembles that of attributes, with one extra colon ":" in front of the key. To insert, for example, the content of the page: GlobalAttributesPageMisc, use the page insertion: [:page:GlobalAttributesPageMisc], giving:
In preview this will result in the insertion being replaced with a text on the global attribute: "view_pane".

Attribute values can be enclosed in quotation characters to allow them to contain reserved characters. This is particularly applicable to eval and plugin insertions.

Types of insertions

There are different types of insertions, that are all described on their own pages: Top
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parents:  ExternalGraphicalApplications, Link insertions, Scripts, WikidPadReferences
attributes: [tree_position: 5]
[help.status: done]