parent nodes: TextInsertions

Text Insertions Html Formatting

Text Insertions Html Formatting
Span element
Div element
Pre element
Textarea element
Textarea and pre element


Attention: These examples realy do not work in internal preview!


You can use text insertions in a number of html block elements.

Attention! Top

Span element

An inserted note in a span element. Top

Div element

Note title

This is a note, that needs to stand out.
It's contents consists of an inserted text page.
An inserted note in a
floating:right div element.


Pre element

An inserted snippet in a pre element. Top

Textarea element

An inserted note in a textArea.


Textarea and pre element

An inserted snippet in a textArea element within a pre element
Remark: You can't use HTML or links in a textArea

previous: Back
parents:  TextInsertions
inserts:   TextInsertionShortCodeIp, TextInsertionLongCodeIp, TextInsertionNoteIp
[help.status: done]