parent nodes: Intro3Formatting | PageLinking
Short hint
The short_hint attribute displays a tooltip for the link of the page, that it is defined for. It's format is:[short_hint: short hint text].
This page has a short hint attribute with the value: "This is a short hint for the PageLinkShortHint page" defined for it. When the mouse is held over it's link for a moment, it wil show up as a tooltip. This will work both in the editor and in preview. Whith exported html it might depend on the browser used.
RemarksShort_hint only works on links in pages; not on links in the treeview or other view windows.
Application settings: Editor, short hint
• Short hint delay
Set the number of milliseconds that have to pass before showing the short hint tooltip in the editor. A value of zero "0" deactivates the tooltip.
previous: Back
parents: Intro3Formatting, PageLinking
attributes: [tree_position: 23], [short_hint: Short hints can be added to page links]
[help.status: done]