parent nodes: DemoTextHtmlElements
Demo Text Html Internal
Entities and symbols
In Wikidpad the html entities and symbols can be used, like:
€ = the euro sign = € © = copyright = © √ = square root = √ = non breakable space
For a complete list of entities see: W3 Schools: Entity reference
For a complete list of symbols see: W3 Schools: Symbol reference
Font styles
Html allows the use of a number of font styles. Here, it does not add much to what Wikidpad offers and part of that is deprecated by the W3 Committee and should not be used. - Emphasized text. Strong text. Strong, emphasized text.
- Italic text. Bold text. Underlined text. Bold, italic, underlined text. [1]
- Small text. Default text Big text. [3]
- Blue text; font size: 2. Red text; font size: 3. Green text; font face: 'Times New Roman'; font size: 4. [2]
[1] The undeline tag is still accepted by most browsers, but it has been deprecated by the W3 Committee and it is advised not to use it.
[2] The font tag is also deprecated and advised not to use!
[3] The "big" tag does not work in the internal renderer, but it dóes in the external ones.
The standard "<h1>" until "h..>" tags can be used, to define section headings; like: These headings will however nót appear in the Wikidpad Toc ("[:toc:"]).
Unordered list:
Ordered list: - item 1
- item 2
This is a table based on html syntax; the table has no borders, so is ideal for textformatting
+ | headers |
* | bold text and lists |
n. | lists (n = any number) |
_ | italic text |
[ ] | links and attributes |
<< >> | block areas (table, escape and preformatted) |
---- | horizontal line |
This is where you realy need paragraph_mode to be set to true.
Web links Page anchors File links - A href file link with an absolute path works: notepad.png
- A href link with a Wikidpad rel:// path to an image file álso works: notepad.png
Image links
Img elements for the larger part do nót work, but for 1 or 2 exeptions. These exeptions however are unreliable, since they work in one preview, but not in the other and also browsers have their own idea's about them. The use of img links is therefore advised against. - This works in IE:

- Thís works in Internal:
where the image file is in the root of the c: disk. - None of the other alternatives work anywhere.
There are a number of possible issues here: - Internal does not seem to accept absolute paths
- Internal dóes accept relative paths, but not if there is a disk reference in it; like src="///D|/notepad.png"
- Aside from the src="///filename.ext", that refers to the system root, html relative paths can't be used in preview; see also External links: Url links
- The file:/// scheme can't be used in an src reference
- Wikidpad probably translates the rel:// scheme into an absolute path with a file scheme
Indented text Indented text
Paragraph [7]
Paragraph right alligned
Paragraph centered
Paragraph left alligned
[6] The size and all other presentation attributesof the hr tag are deprecated and advised not to use!
[7] The align attribute of the paragraph tag is deprecated and advised not to use!
Img links do not work with the wikidpad rel scheme; possibly because it's translated to a file scheme, instead of an image reference
done.demo.projectdemo.demo2: check out all posibilities
question.demo.development: is it correct that rel:// is allways converted to a file scheme? See section "images". question.demo.development: is it possible to have an img:// scheme, that would function like the rel scheme, but not add the path to the wikifolder, so it would be useable in <img > elements?
[demo.status.waiting: questions]
previous: Back
parents: DemoTextHtmlElements
attributes: [paragraph_mode: true]
Page anchors Do not remove!!