parent nodes: DemoPageSignalling | DemoSignalPageNodes

Demo Signal Todo Tags

Demo Signal Todo Tags
Structured tags
Todo node signalling
Page signalling



Todo tags are a type of user tags and have roughly the same goal and possibilities. The main difference is, that they don't need square brackets and consist of a limited number of predevined key words. Furthermore they are aimed at adding a descriptive text to the tag. Todo tags do not support global attributes.

As with user tags, todo tags show up as nodes in the views section. A page can have multiple todo tags and a todo tag can be on multiple pages.



The general format is: "keyword: free text". The keywords are restricted to the following list:

todo something that has to be done.
done something that has been done.
action something that needs action.
track something that needs to be tracked.
issue an issue that needs to be solved.
question    a question that needs to be answered&nbsp.;  
project something that is part of a project.

Todo tags can be anywhere on a page and anywhere within a line; they can be on a line of there own or in the middle of a line of text. The tags are case sensitive and have to be written as in the list; Todo: will not result in a tag. The todo text - the text following the tag - ends either with a newline or with a vertical bar "|". The escape character can be used to escape either the tag or the bar.

Examples Top

Structured tags

Like user tags, todo tags support nested subcategories in the form of structured todo keywords. Example: The double ".demo.demo" had to be added, to keep the example away from the demo's actual todo tags in this wiki, that dó have a real meaning. Top

Todo node signalling

The appearance of a single todo item in the views section can be controled by using the formatting attributes: icon, color and bold in the tag's text. Example: For the format of the attributes see: Signalling page nodes. Top

Page signalling

Todo tags did at one point have global attributes, that allowed to have nodes of pages, that have certain tags or belong to certain tag groups, to stand out and/or be signalled in some way. This facility has been deactivated quite some time ago and will not be reactivated.





done.demo.projectdemo.demo3: check out all posibilities
done.demo.projectdemo.demo3: check with development about global page signalling
question.demo.development: is it correct that formatting attributes are shown in views / todo nodes?



issue.demo.solved: Global page signalling of todo items does not work!
This is correct; it has been deactivated long time ago, but not removed from the

[demo.status.waiting: question]
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parents:  DemoPageSignalling, DemoSignalPageNodes