parent nodes: Releases

Change Log2005

Change Log2005
2005 Dec 29
2005 Dec 20
2005 Dec 10
2005 Okt 13
2005 Jan 08


2005 Dec 29

Dec. 29, 2005 (1.20beta4 / WikidPadCompact 1.5.5beta3, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 50)
    * Extended table support: wiki words, bold and italic
      text can now be used in table cells and the ...
    * same support in todo items now works correctly

    * Per-wiki-option to define a fixed wiki word to show when
      wiki is opened
    * Regular expression support for page search (menu
      "Editor"->"Find and Replace")
    * For wiki-wide search, the number of occurring matches on
      a page can be displayed.
    * Function key F6 to switch between tree and editor

    * Some bugs fixed

2005 Dec 20

Dec. 20, 2005 (1.20beta3, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 48)
*Warning*: This version has a new database format. It is converted
automatically when opening a wiki the first time. Making a backup
beforehand is therefore recommended! The conversion may need a few
moments, please be patient.

    * Basic table support. Example:

    here| nowhere| somewhere
    else| where?| elsewhere

    * The .wiki filenames have no more brackets
    * Option to forbid cycles in trees (see [OptionsDialog])
    * Option to filter properties to show in HTML preview and export (see [OptionsDialog])
    * A few bugs fixed. Among others:
        * Wrong line endings in clipboard
        * WPCompact: Missing RE prevents wrap text from work
        * WPCompact: Creation of new wikis and importing doesn't work (wrong formatver)

2005 Dec 10

Dec. 10, 2005 (1.20beta2, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 44)
*Warning*: This version has a new database format. It is converted
automatically when opening a wiki the first time. Making a backup
beforehand is therefore recommended!

    1. *User interface*
        1. When choosing a wiki word to go to (by using the
           "view parents", "view parentless nodes", etc. menu 
           functions) you can in the dialog choose one or more wiki
           pages to *delete*, so e.g. all parentless nodes can be
           deleted at once.
        2. *HTML-Preview*. At the top of the editor window there are
           two tabs "Edit" and "Preview". If you click the "Preview"
           tab you see the rendered HTML-View of the current editor
           content. In the options you can choose the font face to
           use in the preview.
        3. *Completely new wiki-wide search dialog*. It replaces the
           "view saved-searches" function and its dialog. You can now
           edit the wiki while the dialog is open yet
           (=non-modal dialog). For details see [SearchingTheWiki].
    2. *New options to handle tree*
        1. *"Tree auto-follow"*: The tree tries to always select the
           wiki word currently shown in the editor or HTML-view.
        2. *"Tree update after save"*: After each (automatic or manual)
           save the tree icons and shown children are updated. This
           may need some time and may create some flicker going from
           top to bottom through the tree.
    3. Other
        1. *Faster startup* by caching initially created regular
           expressions in a file named "regexpr.cache" in the
           application directory. (Deleting it is always safe and
           recommended after changing WikiSyntax)
        2. Option to handle numeric only words (=*footnotes*) as
           wiki words or regular text. This option applies to the
           current wiki only
        3. In export dialog: option to use *compatible filenames* which
           contain ASCII-only characters, so sets of HTML files are
           more compatible to other filesystems.
    4. Fixed bug
        1. *WikiWord and [WikiWord]* were different words

2005 Okt 13

Oct. 13, 2005 (1.20beta1)
    1. *Unicode support*. This means:
        1. Characters from any language in the text (if font and 
           operating system support them).
        2. Arbitrary alphanumeric characters (as defined by Unicode 
           consortium) for non-camelCase wiki words (if operating and 
           file system supports it), except numeric only words, like
           e.g. [42].
        3. Support for all characters in incremental search.

    2. Changes in *wiki syntax*:
        1. Before and after the tags to escape formatting (<< and >>) 
           only whitespaces are allowed on the same line. See 
        2. Escaping spaces when executing a search as part of a link. 
           Example: This link
           WikiDocumentAttributes#creating# a# new# wiki .
           A # is escaped as ##.
        3. Arbitrary alphanumeric characters (see 1.2.)

    3. The *editor*:
        1. Drag and drop of text.
        2. Faster syntax highlighting. For pages bigger than 10 KBytes, 
           it is done in the background, so you might notice a delay 
           before the highlighting is updated.
        3. New menu item "Replace Text by WikiWord". Select some text you 
           want to move to a new wiki page, choose the item and enter the 
           name of the new page. On the old page, the text will be 
           replaced by a link to the new one.
        4. Possibility to change the date format for "Insert Date"
        5. New menu item "Wikize selected word" to convert selected words 
           to a valid wiki word.
        6. Menu and toolbar plugin to add a list of the children and 
           parents of a wiki word to a page.
        7. Menu plugin to create new wiki words with auto-generated 
           names. (Name looks like  [New124536] with a unique number).
        8. Right handling of numbered lists with multiple levels of 
           numbering (like this one). See also BulletedLists. Written by 
           Gerhard Reitmayr.

    4. The *user interface*:
        1. Submenu to choose colors similar to icons.
        2. In the dialogs "Open word" and "Search wiki" you can use
           cursor up/down to move between text field and the list below
           the field.
        3. "Set as root" menu item to choose an arbitrary wiki word as 
           root of the tree on the left.
        4. Add menu and toolbar items as Python plugins (no documentation
           yet, but example in extensions/ Written by 
           Gerhard Reitmayr.
        5. Arbitrary nested todo and property entries in the View tree. 
           See WikiDocumentAttributes and TodoItems.

    5. *Options* dialog in the "Wiki" menu:
        1. "Minimize to Tray".
        2. "Hide undefined wiki words in tree". Undefined children words 
           of a word are not shown in the tree if this is checked.
        3. "Start browser after export". If this is checked, after 
           exporting HTML or XML, the standard web browser is started to 
           show the result.
        4. "New window on wiki URL". If checked, activating a "wiki:" URL 
           opens a new WikidPad window (only if   'Handle URLs with 
           "wiki:" by WikidPad'   was checked when WikidPad was 
           installed). If not checked, the same window is reused to open 
           the selected wiki.
        5. "Low resource usage". Uses less GDI and user resources on 
           Windows 95/98/ME, especially if minimized. Changing this 
           setting takes effect only after restarting WikidPad.

    6. *Internals*:
        1. Plugin manager by Gerhard Reitmayr.
        2. Slower but more reliable HTML/XML export.

2005 Jan 08

Jan. 08, 2005
    1. Fixed shell hook for opening .wiki files. Found fix here:
    2. Added a 4th heading size (++++).
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