parent nodes: Releases
Change Log2004
2004 Dec 13
1. Added support for export:false] attribute. Setting this attribute
to false will cause it to not be included in exports.
2. Fixed issue with international characters in [Not Camel Case] links
(thanks to Gilles Lenfant).
3. [Not Camel Case] links also now autocomplete properly.
2004 Nov 14
1. Added ability to RebuildTheWiki from disk.
2004 Oct 11
1. Added support for sub-tree export.
2. Exports now (attempt) to indent indented text using \<blockquote>.
3. Python runtime updated.
4. I attempted to update to the latest wxWindows and things didn't go
well. Ended up reverting back.
5. Additional minor fixes.
2004 Jul 24
1. Added child_sort_order attribute support. A parent node can set
child_sort_order to "ascending", "descending", or "unsorted" to control
the order of the child nodes in the tree.
[child_sort_order: unsorted]
2. User can now place their extensions in "user_extensions" under the
wikidPad install directory. This directory will not be touched when
upgrading wikidPad. Copy the files in the "extensions" directory to
get started.
3. Added URL protocol handler for wikidPad so that wiki urls will open
wikidpad. For example:
Will open up this page in a new instance of wikidPad. This will work
outside of wikidPad as well, from Internet Explorer for example. The
easiest way to create a link to another wiki from within a wiki page
is to just drag and drop the .wiki file onto the text editor.
4. Fixed some issues with the html export. Specifically bulleted list
problems. Also, ignore blocks << >> weren't exported properly.
2004 Jul 06
1. If wikidPad is closed when minimized don't remember the minimized sizes.
2. Highlighted text is only evaluated when Ctrl-E is pressed now, not Ctrl-1-6.
This lets me implement this example InlinePythonEval#encodeSelection.
2004 May 31
1. Fixed a bug with todo lists under Views. Actual todo list items weren't
displayed, only the todo list categories were.
2. Added support passing the wiki word to open on the command line.
wikidpad.exe wikiword
You can also pass in the name of a wiki word file and wikidpad will
open the wiki for that word and then open the word.
This also means that you can now double click on a wiki word file
and wikidpad will open the wiki for the word, and then open the word.
2004 May 23
1. Aliases now work with words [That Arent Wiki Words].
2. Aliases are now properly formatted in the tree control.
3. More bug fixes.
2004 Apr 11
1. Fixed some bugs with the links [That Arent Wiki Words].
2. Fixed the default title for WIKIDPADWords have multiple capital letters in
the beginning.
3. Added ability to DisableCamelCaseWords.
4. Added a menu item to disable or enable indentation guides.
5. Added support for executing a search as part of a link.
Example: This link WikiDocumentAttributes#priority
will take you to WikiDocumentAttributes and search for the word priority.
2004 Mar 09
1. Added support for WIKIDPADWords that have multiple capital letters in
the beginning followed by lower case letters.
2. Added support for links [That Arent Wiki Words]
3. Moved the code triggered by Ctrl-B, Ctrl-I and Ctrl-Alt-H into Now if you change the regex for bold or italic you
can also customize the code triggered by the keyboard command and the
menu option.
4. In some situations wikidPad might appear off screen at startup.
Added a check for this and code to reposition wikidPad back on screen.
2004 Mar 06
1. urls that end in .gif, .jpg, or .png will be exported as \<IMG> tags
when exporting to HTML.
2. Tree node text is not limited to 20 characters anymore. The text used to
be chopped at 20, and ... would be appended to the end.
3. Words with nested underscores ARE_NOT_TREATED_AS_ITALICS.
4. ~TurnsOffWordLinking. ~ will cause a word to not be treated as a
wiki word link.
5. The HTML and XML export now wrap <<>> blocks in \<pre> tags.
6. You can now have more than 1 link on a line.
7. Added "tree_position" attribute. Look at the bottom of this page.
You can now change the order of the tree nodes by assigning a
"tree_position" or a "priority" to a node. This page has a
tree_position of 0, so it is at the top of the tree to the left.
8. Clicking on a todo in the "Views" node will now highlight the todo
item in the document.
9. Added support for script imports. This allows you to define a set
of scripts in a LocalScriptLibrary and then import them.
[import_scripts: LocalScriptLibrary]
Type "Ctrl-4" to execute script 4 from the library.
2004 Feb 22
1. Ignore blocks \<< \>> now suppress wiki word links, properties and
todos properly. Script blocks with wiki words, and urls with wiki
words in them are also now suppressed.
2. Pulled the WikiSyntax regular expressions out into an extension
2004 Feb 07
1. Ctrl-Enter will now activate links.
2. Added option to hide tree control.
3. KeyBindings are now customizable. See ChangingKeyBindings.
4. Added support for "ftp://" urls and "https://" urls.
5. Added ability to turn off the auto-save mode. See the "Wiki" menu.
6. TodoItem markers (todo, action) are now case-sensitive to avoid marking
TodoWikiWords as todos.
7. Added ability to suppress TextFormatting. Example:
<< *This should be bold* ThisShouldBeALink >>
8. Added "Insert Date" command to "Editor" menu.
9. Added support for custom InlinePythonEval functions assigned to
Ctrl-1-4. For example, type Ctrl-1 to execute the function below.
<% 1: editor.AddText("hi") %>
2004 Jan 12
1. Fixed export bug where urls in bulleted lists would include LI in
their HREF.
2. Added list of possible TreeNodeColors to help doc.
3. The mouse now changes to a hand over wiki word links.
4. Added context menu to tree control for rename/delete.
5. Added Undo/Redo buttons to Editor menu.
6. Added XML Export. Should be very simple to write stylesheets for
the exported XML to format it into anything you want. See WikiExport.
7. Added support for setting a custom wrap position, see TextFormatting.
8. Added new WikiBookmarks feature.
9. Added new WikiWords alias feature.
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