parent nodes: Releases
Change Log16
1.6 beta 4
Feb. 24, 2006 (1.6beta4, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 60)
* Commandline support for exporting (parts of) a wiki and
deletion of personal configuration (see [CommandLineSupport])
* Windows binary installer: Support for deleting config.
files on uninstall
* Support HTML tags in WikidPad
* Support for wiki specific text blocks (see [TextBlocks])
* Editing of text blocks files from within WikidPad as
"functional pages", located under Views in tree
* Editor font now changes instantly after saving page
* Now at most one script is executed when pressing
Ctrl-Number (search order: local page, imported scripts,
global imported scripts page)
* Better handling of property "camelCaseWordsEnabled" during
database update/rebuild.
* Gadfly database backend: Rebuild does no more loose
creation and modification date of a page.
Fixed bugs:
* Crash on non-ascii characters in path to wiki database
* Refresh of text blocks menu didn't work
* When word in tree node had no children but got one after
update, no '+' icon appeared after refresh.
* Problems with wiki-wide search and page search
* Jumping to wiki word didn't work if cursor and word were
at end of page.
1.6 beta 3
Feb. 09, 2006 (1.6beta3, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 57)
* 'global.import_scripts' property introduced (see
* Security option to control if scripts should be executed
and (global.)import_scripts property should be respected
(see [InlinePythonEval])
* 'template' property introduced to use content of one page
as template for children of another page. (see
* Hierarchical global presentation deduction: e.g. a property
'' will be applied to pages containing
'work', "work.somewhere", "work.somewhere.else" ...
properties, except there is e.g. a
'' property. This works for
'color', 'icon' and 'bold' properties which control the
presentation of the tree nodes (see [WikiDocumentAttributes]).
* Differential user_extensions: A file in "user_extensions"
now only needs to contain the definitions which are
different compared to the file in "extensions"
* In configuration directory, a directory ".WikidPadGlobals"
will be created if not existing
* In ".WikidPadGlobals" a file "[TextBlocks].wiki" will be
created if not existing. This file describes content of
the "Editor"->"Text blocks" submenu and can be customized
(see [TextBlocks]).
* Bug in script fixed
* Bug with renaming in "compact_sqlite" database fixed
1.6 beta 2
Jan. 25, 2006 (1.6beta2, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 55)
*Warning*: This version has a new database format. It is converted
automatically when opening a wiki the first time. Making a backup
beforehand is therefore recommended!
* No more brackets around wiki words in the "Open Wiki Word"
and all other dialogs
* Characters can be escaped with backslash and are then
interpreted as normal text (see [TextFormatting])
* New dialog to choose which pages to search for, to export
or to print (see [PageListDialog], [Printing], [WikiExport],
* New options to control the auto save timing
(see [OptionsDialog])
* Some bugs fixed
1.6 beta 1
Jan. 13, 2006 (1.6beta1, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 53)
* WikidPad and WikidPadCompact merged into one application
(therefore the new version number) (see [DatabaseTypes])
* In wiki-wide search cycling through found matching occurrences
on a page with F3 or clicking on the little blue bar
* Basic printing support (see [Printing])
* Support for titled wiki words and URLs (e.g
[ |Somewhere]
[ScratchPad |This text is shown in preview and HTML export] )
The title of the link is not stored in the XML export!
* Options to control timing behavior of syntax highlighter (see
* Option to set background color of text editor (works only
* Bug fixed: non camel-case words starting with camel-case word
(e.g. [WikiWord with something]) incorrectly recognized in tree
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