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Adding a bookmark
Navigating using the bookmarks dialog
Navigating using the "views tree".
Removing bookmarks



WikidPad supports adding bookmarks to pages; this allows you to quickly find a certain page back. Bookmarking is in principal meant to support editing of pages, but it also works in preview.

Adding a bookmark

In order to bookmark a page, you add a bookmark attribute to it. This attribute has the format: You can add the bookmark by either: The automatic functions will append the atribute to the end of the wiki page.

Navigating using the bookmarks dialog

To view the list of bookmarked pages: This will bring up the bookmarks dialog showing a list of the bookmarked pages, like in the screenshot below.
The dialog can be used to jump to one of the listed pages by either:

Navigating using the "views tree".

Since the bookmark attribute ís a page attribute and all page attributes in principle form an alternative index into the wiki pages, also bookmarks form such an index. As soon as any page in a wiki becomes bookmarked, a new index "bookmarked" will appear in the views tree, listing all the bookmarked pages.
You can go to any bookmarked page by simply clicking it's node in the bookmarked index.

Removing bookmarks

There is no automatic function to remove a bookmark from a page. To "unbookmark" a page, you will have to remove the bookmark attribute manually.

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parents:  Intro2ViewingAndEditing, PageNavigation, ThisWiki
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