wikidPad is open source. Visit the project homepage at
wikidPad is a Wiki-like notebook
for storing your thoughts, ideas, todo lists, contacts, or anything
else you can think of to write down.
What makes wikidPad different from other notepad applications is the
ease with which you can cross-link your information. Links in a wiki
are created by typing in WikiWords. A WikiWord is any mixed case word
typed into the editor. TodoList or JohnDoe are example
WikiWords. The term wiki means "quick" in Hawaiian, and wikis are all
about quickly linking your information together. Wikis are not a new concept, in fact
there are many web based wiki servers available.
WikidPad Features |
On the fly WikiWord linking, as you type |
WikiWord auto-completion |
Easy WikiWord navigation |
Wiki text styling |
WikiWord History |
Wiki document attributes |
Dynamic views |
Tree/Outline view with over 100 icons |
Todo lists |
Incremental search |
Search and Replace |
Autosave |
Export to HTML |
All your data is stored in plain text |
URL and file linking |
Intuitive keybindings |
Help Wiki included |
wikidPad is a real-time wiki
wikidPad is not a web server, or application server, or groupware
solution. wikidPad is a standalone notepad like application, albeit
notepad on steroids. wikidPad is like an IDE for your thoughts.
IDE for your thoughts
Software developers have grown accustomed to certain features
from their integrated development environment that make their jobs easier.
Features like auto-completion, outline views, incremental search, easy source
code navigation. IDE's that provide these features can greatly increase
developer productivity. wikidPad attempts to utilize some of these
features to address the problem of personal information management.
Personal Information Management
How do you manage all of the random bits of information in your
personal and professional life? Word documents, text files, Microsoft
Outlook folders/notes. If you're an expert user maybe you have
a weblog, or a personal database, or possibly an outlining application.
Where do you track your wifes favorite food, your bosses kids names,
your personal todo list, the name of the movie you just read a review
of, the name of the book a friend recommended. wikidPad was created to
address this issue of personal information management. It provides a
place to manage the massive amounts of information you have stuffed in
your head, on stickies, or on your computer.
A complete online documentation for beginners and advanced users is
here: Help and First Steps
(thanks to Jan Stegehuis)
To search all available documentation resources:
Meta search
The included help wiki is also available in Hungarian language for
version 2.1beta07
(thanks to Török Árpád).
Windows: Use of a binary installer is recommended. Users of
Windows 98/ME should read the hint below before downloading.
Linux: See page
in WikidPad's wiki.
MacOS: See page
in WikidPad's wiki.
Multiple versions of WikidPad are available for download here.
2.2 (stable) |
| Windows binary installer unicode |
| Source code |
2.3 release candidate 02 (nearly stable) |
| Windows binary installer unicode |
| Source code |
2.4 alpha 01 (not so stable) |
| Windows binary installer unicode |
| Source code |
Free Icons 1.1 (free icon set
to replace commercial ones in 1.9final and before)
Already included in WikidPad 2.0 and later |
WP-FreeIcons-1.1.exe |
Windows binary installer | |
ZIP file |
Spell check add-on 2.0
(works with 2.0alpha01 or later)
To use this add-on, install first an appropriate WikidPad version,
then install the add-on in the same directory.
The add-on is based on the enchant and pyEnchant libraries.
| Windows binary installer |
Spell check add-on 1.0 beta 1
(works with 1.7beta3 or later up to and including 1.9 final)
To use this add-on, install first an appropriate WikidPad version,
then install the add-on in the same directory.
The add-on is based on the enchant and pyEnchant libraries.
| Windows binary installer |
Help and first steps 1.1 (additional
help wiki)
Applies to WikidPad 1.9beta20 up to 1.9rc01
You need an installed WikidPad 1.9beta20 or later to see the wiki properly.
WP-HelpAnd1stSteps-1.1.exe |
Windows binary installer | |
ZIP file |
wxPython Runtime downgrade 1.0
(works with 2.0rc03, 2.1alpha03 up to and including 2.3 versions)
To use this add-on, install first an appropriate WikidPad version,
then install the add-on in the same directory.
The add-on should solve a problem with tree view (vanishing plus/minus)
by downgrading wxPython version. Use on Windows 7 or later is not recommended!
| Windows binary installer |
For users of WikidPad 2.0 or later with Windows binary
If WikidPad refuses to start, e.g. with message "CreateProcess failed; code 14001"
try to download and install vcredist_x86.exe from Microsoft.
For users of Windows 98/ME
WikidPad 2.0 or later does not support these systems.
WikidPad version 1.6 and later needs a file
named "unicows.dll" which must be placed either in the installation
directory of the binary version of WikidPad (where "WikidPad.exe" is)
or in the "\Windows\System" directory.
You can find the file either
or download an installer for it from
You should also download the file
if you do not have it. It is not absolutely necessary, but allows to
use an external HTML preview renderer (since 1.8beta6).
Important remark
Please install WikidPad only in a path which consists completely of
ASCII-characters, this means only 'a' to 'z' letters, lower or upper case,
digits and punctuation characters like underscore, dot and comma.
For some more tips see TroubleShooting
wikidPad is mentioned on
Recommended downloads |
Latest stable version 2.2
More downloads
(Details) |
Donations... |
WikidPad was invented by Jason Horman who made it
open source in June 2005.
Since October 2005 (version 1.20beta1)
Michael Butscher is the
main developer of WikidPad.
If you want to donate to Michael Butscher for his work and
you have a Paypal account use the following button:
News... |
Nov 26, 2018
WikidPad 2.3rc02 is now available. It is a bug fix to latest 2.3beta on
the way to a final 2.3 version. Download
Windows binary or
source code.
Mar 14, 2018
WikidPad 2.3rc01 is now available. It is a bug fix to latest 2.3beta on
the way to a final 2.3 version. Download
Windows binary or
source code.
WikidPad 2.4alpha01 is now available. Now based on newer underlying components.
Slightly faster and with many new bugs (not fixes, bugs!). Download
Windows binary or
source code.
Jul 07, 2017
WikidPad 2.3beta16 is now available. Smarter link change on rename. Download
Windows binary or
source code.
Apr 26, 2016
WikidPad 2.3beta15 is now available. Traditional Chinese and better support for hardlinking
wiki page files. Download
Windows binary or
source code.
Mar 14, 2016
WikidPad 2.3beta14 is now available. Bug fixes and type preference for pasting. Download
Windows binary or
source code.
Feb 03, 2015
WikidPad 2.3beta13_01 is now available. Bug fixes and new Whoosh (index search library) version. Download
Windows binary or
source code.
Feb 15, 2014
WikidPad 2.2 is now available. This is the final 2.2 version. Download
Windows binary or
source code.
WikidPad 2.3beta12 is now available. Some small speed inmprovements. Download
Windows binary or
source code.