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Intro 3: Formatting



When you're not using a wiki to quickly jot down and link notes, but to make something that can be presented to others - ór to yourself, you undoubtedly would like to add formatting to your pages. You might want to: All of this can be done in WikidPad.

Text formatting

WikidPad supports all sorts of text formatting, that includes all of the above in "General"; a complete description of all the possibilities can be found in text formatting.

Page formatting

WikidPad supports a number of features in the area of page formatting, like: A complete description of all the possibilities can be found in page formatting.

Html formatting

For whom the default text- and pageformatting facilities of WikidPad are unsatisfactory, the possibilty exists to use inline html and cascading style sheets. WikidPad supports this, but it really only makes a difference when exporting to html and when using an external preview renderer. There is little extra you can do with html in the internal renderer. Entities and symbols however like: €, © and √ are supported by default.

Url links

So far we have seen, that you can add page links to a wiki page. But you can also add links to external items like web sites, files and pages in other wiki's; this is done using the standard html Url links. For files WikidPad supports the use of relative paths.

A special use of url links is that of adding images to wiki pages that are visible in preview, like this self portret of Rembrandt van Rijn made in 1630.

Link formatting

When the literal text of a page (or url) link is not really presentable, for instance because you used prefixes for al sorts of obvious reasons, you can change it's appearance in preview (ánd published html), by giving it a title (see bracketed links). A page link like Intro Rembrandt van Rijn can be changed into the more presentable Rembrandt van Rijn, by writing the link specification like this: [Intro Rembrandt van Rijn |Rembrandt van Rijn], using a vertical bar to seperate link and title.

Not only text can be used as a title for page (or url) links, but also images. Like the cutout of the "Nachtwacht" to the left that acts as a link to the wiki page about the "Nachtwacht", using a url as the title instead of text.

Short hints can be added to pages, that will appear when the mouse hovers over it's link, like with the cutout of the Nachtwacht above.

Escaping formatting

WikidPad supports a number of ways to escape formatting. This allows special formatting characters to be used as standard text. The backslash "\" is the default escape character. To use an asterix "*" in the text, without it being interpreted as the "bold" formatting tag, prepend it with a backslash "\*".

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