parent nodes: Intro7Searching | ItemSearching





Fast search operates wiki wide and is driven by the search field in the WikidPad toolbar. To use it:
  1. click with the mouse in the field
  2. type the regular expression to search for
  3. press enter
The result is a dropped down list of pages where a match is found. The specification and layout of this list are exactly the same as that for the result list of the Full search.

Result list"
Below is a screenshot of part of a result list, with the results for two pages: Each item in the list consists of: When there are more then one occurences in a page, you can skip through them by: The item in the list is updated to show what the current occurence is.

Double clicking on an item - outside the blue bar! - brings you to the page and the matching occurrence shown for it in the list item. If the page was already loaded, a double click brings you to the next occurrence on the page.




Context characters: before and after
Chooses the number of characters to show before and after a found match as context in wiki-wide search. For an "anded" regex, the beginning of the page is shown with so many characters as the sum of the "before" and "after" values. Using context may slow down the searching a bit.

Count Occurrences
Counts how many matches a page contains and shows this number in parentheses after each page name in wiki-wide search results. This option slows down searching.

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parents:  Intro7Searching, ItemSearching
inserts:   FullSearchResultList
[help.status: done]